Bodies talk. Learn to listen.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

The goal of Nutritional Therapy is to empower you to become knowledgeable about- and responsible for- your own health. Learn to balance blood sugar, optimize digestion, ensure proper hydration and mineral balance, and reduce systemic inflammation so that you can enjoy feeling your best.


Who benefits from Nutritional Therapy?

We all can benefit from a tune up now and again, but Nutritional Therapy can be a real game changer for those who can’t quite find a medical diagnosis, but know something is “off.” We will discuss the Five Foundations (Digestion, Fatty Acids, Mineral Balance, Hydration, and Blood Sugar) and how they may be contributing to uncomfortable symptoms that won’t seem to go away.

Nutritional Therapists are not trained to treat any specific disease or condition, but rather to provide education about potential nutritional deficiencies, imbalances, and strategies for achieving balance.


How does it work?

We’ll start with where you are. What are you eating? How is your energy level? How comfortable are you preparing a meal or navigating the grocery store? What is your work-life balance like? We’ll identify your concerns.

Then, I’ll provide you with ideas for how to bring balance to your body. We focus on lifestyle and a diet of nutrient-dense, properly sourced and prepared foods. You will learn the why behind frustrating bodily discomforts and become empowered to minimize them on your own.