Johanna’s Book Recommendations

These are books I find myself recommending repeatedly to clients, family and friends. They have each, in some major way, impacted the way I problem solve symptoms and lifestyle questions.

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Why read?

-Transitioning off of birth control

-Routinely experience pain or uncomfortable symptoms throughout menstrual cycle

-Maximize fertility


Why read?

-Over 35

-Mood regulation, body composition, or painful/uncomfortable cycle

-prepare for perimenopause/menopause


Why read?

-To understand the physiological impact of life events

-If you’ve been told to prioritize “stress management”


Why read?

-You feel stuck in stress

-You need a “push” to make a change that will reduce stress

-You like to know the science behind your physical and mental health experiences


Why read?

-Feeling a sense of calm and confidence is a part of your health goals

-You’re a beginning meditator


Why read?

-You wonder about the effects of birth control on your body

-You’re curious about women’s health and inequities in funding, research and treatment


Why read?

-You struggle with painful periods, migraine, mood regulation, and other hormone driven symptoms

-You’re interested in recipes and action steps to support your hormonal health


Why read?

-You’re interested in epigenetics

-You want to discover what role movement has in our overall health

-Learn ways to move your body
